SDLSRS for CPP Party President

Day 965, 08:47 Published in Canada Peru by Sexin

Well hello everyone.

After serving the last two terms as the Minister of Finance, I decided I would take this month off to get away from things and not get burned out but this position allows me to put as little or as much time as I feel is necessary to attempt to make the CPP a successful party once again.

As some of you may know, I was the CPP Party President soemtime last year. During my term, we had the most successful congressional turnout in recent CPP history with 9 congressmen. We were recruiting dozens of new members and had a somewhat active forum and even ran businesses successfully!

My Plan -

Re-organize CPP assets to maximize member involvement : The CPP has always stood for social programs and it's about time we re-introduce them. Whether it's with subsidies, well paying jobs, raffles or more, it's a good way to get people interested in the party.

Strong and stable forums!

I've already begun talks with Neoice, the forum administrator to create a CPP section on the forums much like the CSD did a few months ago. The current forums are nice and all but are extremely slow and with a free service, you are prone to a lot of outages and maintanence issues.

Congress members

I will work closely with other party members to get spots for our current members to run in the next congressional election. It will give our members people to vote for and I have been very successful in the past in organizing strategic voting teams. My goal would be 3 elected congress members and at least a half a dozen congressional candidates.

With V2 here to stay, we are all starting out somewhat new and we are strongest when we have a lot of people to bounce ideas and thoughts off of. The CPP has been quiet for far too long and it's time we work together to bring this party back into the top 5 with a strong recruiting effort and reasons why the CPP is a good place to be. Stability is the key and I help bring that.

I'd like to try and bring some of that back to the CPP and I believe that I can. All it takes is your vote on Thusday. So vote for Sir DeLaShaunRon Smith!