Scrabman Popular; Taxes Too High; America Safe - APS POLL

Day 552, 22:53 Published in USA USA by Erik Victor


The American Poll Service (APS) conducted a survey from May 23 - May 26, asking random participants to answer six questions regarding eAmerican politics. There were 32 respondents, a large enough sample to get an accurate reading of Americans' opinions. Respondents' names were checked, and authenticated so as to avoid duplicates or fraudulent participation.

The makeup of the poll respondents was:
34% USWP
13% Libertarian
9% Conservative
6% UIP
19% AAP
19% Other/None

The first question was:
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Scrabman is doing his job as president?
Results indicated strong approval for President Scrabman. His approval rating of 63% is the second highest on record, slightly below President Dover's 68%. In comparison with APS Presidential Approval Rating polls for Presidents Dover and Justinious, Americans are much more likely to have an opinion on Scrabman, with only 22% saying they were unsure, compared with an average of 45% for Benn Dover and 44% for Justinious.

Scrabman, unlike some of his predecessors, is just as popular among independents (sixth party members/non-party) as he is among Top 5 party members. His approval rating remains very high even when USWP respondents were factored out.


When aske😛
How would you rate the effectiveness of Scrabman as President?
Scrabman again recieved high marks, averaging 4 out of 5 (5 being "Very Effective", 1 being "Not Effective). This statistic reaffirms Scrabman's high approval among Americans.

Question 3 asked participants:
How well do you think President Scrabman is doing to keep the US safe?
Only 16% of Americans feel as though the President is not doing well in his efforts to keep the U.S. safe. The rest is split between satisfactory (25😵, and very well (59😵. Americans generally believe that Scrabman is doing a very good job in his national security efforts, in contrast to his predecessor, Uncle Sam.

The next question regarded the upcoming Presidential election in June:
Of the following possible candidates, who are you MOST LIKELY to vote for in the June 5 Presidential election?
Perhaps explained by the predominately positive feedback on national security, Scrabman is far ahead of potential challengers Kyle321n and Emerick in the race for the presidency. Despite an approval rating of 63%, 66% of Americans said they were most likely to vote for Scrabman on June 5. It appears as though an Emerick (6😵 bid for the presidency would be ill-fated, while Kyle321n (16😵 is the most popular challenger.

On the hot button issue of taxes, participants were aske😛
Generally, do you think taxes are:
Way Too High, Slightly Too High, Just Right, Slightly Too Low, or Way Too Low?
Half of Americans believe that taxes are too high, the majority of which believe that taxes are "slightly too high". Very few Americans believe that taxes are too low (12😵, while a decent amount (38😵 say that taxes are "just right".