Scorpion Stinger - Candidate for NT

Day 583, 04:53 Published in Australia Australia by Scorpion Stinger

After the debacle of last month's NSW election, I am once again running for congress for the ANP.

I hope to represent the diamond capital of eOz - Northern Territory. As all Territorians already know, it's a place of high alcoholic consumption so I'm unashamably offering to buy your votes with an open tab all day at the e-pub. Go for it ppl - drink all you want on me.

Also, there's an open door policy at my office. It's air-conditioned of course and there's a pool table, Foxtel wide screen and a whole lot of comfy chairs.

So while you're enjoying here's a bit about me.

I am co-owner and GM of the Fairgo group - still in it's infancy but growing. As a company GM I believe it's my responsibility to mentor new players where required and in general to help everyone get established in the game.
More than that, this should be encouraged and indeed should replace the need for Medicare and Centrelink.
I believe governments shouldn't be building hospitals - just buying them on contract from private firms.

When it comes to defence, I believe the government has a key role to play in developing our elites and I fully support the current arrangement with the dropbears and the ACUK. I also support the wargames and would encourage everyone to get involved with them.

Over the past few weeks I have been doing a lot of indepth analysis of our markets for the Ministry of Industry. Over the next period I will start publishing a regular bulletin on the health of various market segments as part of that work.

I recognise now that eAustralia needs a greater polpulation base, so my key focus for the coming term will be to focus on the welcome and assistance that every newcomer to EAustralia gets through their employers, other players and the government.

So please - just for a tic - put down the beer and give me a click
