SCOOP!!! Rencana Makar Mantan Menteri!! [IN/EN Version]

Day 580, 07:29 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by wizzie_don

Manado 22.00 WITA

Dalam keadaan hancur!! Setress!! dan tanpa semangat!! aku mengorek-ngorek PC aku.. tiba-tiba saja ada undangan konfrensi YM. "ah.. masuk aja" pikirku, dari pada kga taw ngapaen.

Ternyata, didalam konfrensi itu terdapat beberapa nama besar erepublik eIndonesia, antara laen F***_ken**, b**jel dari PKeI, NCX300** dri IDS, Fis***at dri PRM, D**na c*ne dan terakhir tu****ra dari PReI bergabung di konfrensi ini.

"yah... ada yg lagi nostalgia di YM nih" pikirku. Tapi ternyata aku salah!!! SALAH!!!

Konfrensi itu adalah penggalangan suara dan perapatan barisan untuk rencana pemberontakan.. Sebuah pemberontakan besar yang akan dipimpim oleh mantan pemegang kunci BUMN, 2nd_A_CHAN!!!!!


sumbangan yg diberi kga kalah mencengangkan!!

ratusan gold
puluhan kebo kolonel ber str 9
ratusan voter

woghhh!!! kga maen2x nih!!!

sang motor penggerak dan pemimpin pemberontakan Achan2nd jga telah menyiapkan visi dan misi, adapun ringkasan pidatonya adalah seperti ini:
Dimulai dengan kata saudara2x sebangsa dan setanah air.. bla bla bla..
VISI : SAMPERIN *******!!!
MISI : BUNUH ******!!
(nb: maap nama dihilangkan karena menyangkut individu tertentu)

dengan pedoman CEPAT DAN TEPAT dan kata-kata bahwa eDUnia ini hanya panggung sandiwara!! massa pun terpana dan berteriak: "MERDEKA!"

dengan perasaan bingung, terpesona, terpana, aku pun memutuskan menuliskan semua ini dan menyampaikannya kepada eIndonesia!!

Artikel ini adalah artikel pribadi!! bukan artikel Kementerian Dalam Negeri!!

================ENGLISH VERSION===========

SCOOP!!! Coup d’etat Plan of an ex-Minister!!
28 comments today

Manado 22.00 WITA

In ruined mood! Stressed! Without any vigor or energy left!! I tried to mess around my PC… when suddenly there is a YM invitation. "What the heck… let’s just go inside" methinks, rather than zoning out without knowing anything to do.

I found out, within that conference there are few bigshots and top brasses in eRepublik Indonesia, those were F***_ken**, b**jel from PKeI, NCX300** from IDS, Fis***at from PRM, D**na c*ne and the last one tu****ra from PReI gathered in this shady conference.

"Oh… so there are people who are on reunion mood here in YM" methinks naively. But I was wrong! DEAD WRONGG!!!!

That conference is a fundraising and voteraising, consolidation meeting for a coup-d’etat plan! A revolt! A huge coip which will be led by ex-BUMN (States’ Companies) key holder: ,2nd_A_CHAN!!!!!


The donations gathered and pledged was not amusing at all! It was horribly astounding!!!

Dozens of voters, all colonels above 9 strength
And hundreds of bare-handed legions and dancers and bamboo-eaters


The mastermind and the revolution leader, the Achan2nd also had prepared his vision and mission, which his speech can be summarized as follow:
It started with: dear all brothers and sisters, of our beloved nation and land… blah blah
(ps: sorry but the name was omitted due to some inconvenience upon a certain personage)

with their slogan: FAST AND ACCURATE and THE WORLD IS JUST A PUPPET STAGE!! Achan’s words hypnorized the mass and they shouted gleefully, fanatically: "MERDEKA!" (Or INDEPENDENCE!!)

With confounded, amazed, and astonishment, I decide to write this all and report it to all Indonesia!!