Scandinavia on Fire

Day 2,112, 15:20 Published in Norway Norway by Emanuil 13

Dear friends, good people of Norway!

Those of you who took Sunday off will wake up to a lot of excitement and the clink of weapons on Monday! Here's why.

Open theme music HERE

Norway, along with our brothers in Asgard took part in a flurry of negotiations with CoT. In the following days we'll be aiming to achieve two main goals:

First and foremost, we will be taking joint military action to bring the Lithuanian occupiers to their knees and to return Scandinavia to its rightful owners - the great alliance of Asgard!

Second, as we are getting some tremendous support from CoT in this campaign, Norway, in partnership with Russia, will be providing a safe haven, in which our friends from Bulgaria will hold their next congress elections for September - the region of Svalbard.

All this has become possible thanks largely to our friends and allies in Asgard and CoT. So let's get our weapons ready, let's go buy some tanks, some gold, some ale, and let's show them that we are truly the masters of the North!

Here's what's happening right now:

Bulgaria Air Strikes Lithuania -

German NE on Lithuania -

Danish NE on Lithuania -

Latvian NE on Sweden -

Swedish NE on Latvia -

Of course the war between Estonia and Finland has already been going on for a few days. The NE there is for Estonia, while Finland has its NE on Lithuania.

Swedish announcement here:

Dear brothers-in-arms, your governments have been working hard to give you this opportunity to prove who we are to the world! Let's make it happen, let's show them what we can!

Thank you for you support!

Truly yours:
Emanuil 13
Ministry of Foreign Affairs