Sayeret Matkal - Military Unit Weekly Contest

Day 2,184, 15:10 Published in Israel Israel by John TG

Hello dear Israeli people,
Hello brave Sayeret Matkal soldiers,

Sayeret Matkal is the first Military Unit founded in Israel by Joe Franco. Delivering damage in the name of Israel and its allies.

Sayeret Matkal is the elite Military Unit in Israel having 28 soldiers, containing the majority of God Of Wars of Israel.19 soldiers at the rank of God Of War, 5 soldiers at the rank of Legendary Force and 2 soldiers at the rank of World Class Force.

Sayeret Matkal is divided in 2 regiments.
The 1st regiment under the command of John TG and danis1982 as captain will contain only God of Wars.
The 2nd regiment under the command of Rickolas will contain the Legendary Force and the rest rank soldiers.

Daily Order
As you know, we (John TG as commander and danis1982 and Rickolas as captains) can set immediately as DO only the battles of the countries that we have mpp (and we are able to fight from Israel without travelling). If there isn’t such battle then we can set DO only with priorities (ofcourse in this situation you have to travel in an allied country with more mpps to fight from there. A good choice for this is Greece,they are in close distance and they have a lot of mpps).

Sayeret Matkal is the elite military unit of Israel. So CLEAN AND CLEAR I don’t want to see ANYONE fighting against allies (I know, the word “allies” right now is a bit complicated word) in important battles. When we have Israeli battle, all of us we are fighting FOR Israel .Of course all of you, you can fight for mercenary medal or Battle Hero, BUT try to do that by using your brain.(For example, you cannot fight for battle hero against our closest allies). Ofcourse you can fight for mercenary medal in unimportant battles against our allies...BUT with caution or in almost ended battles without much importance. All of you are experienced soldiers and you know what i mean. I fight for Battle Hero too, but i choose my opponent country wisely.

Wearing the frame avatar of Sayeret Matkal is NECESSARY and out of question!
If you want your own picture inside SM frame avatar contact John TG.

Due to hard economy situation in Israel (and also the bad economy module all over the world), and the lack of important battles the state cannot provide us daily and standard supplies. Ofcourse in important battles of Israel the suppliers of eIDF will be online to IRC supplying who needs weapons.
I have made some research about the possibilities to work in our own companies.
Soon i will publish the plan about supplies.

According to Weekly Leaderboards,Sayeret Matkal is dealing almost the 70% of the Israel Damage.

After discussions with Commanders and Captains of Sayeret Matkal, we decided to organise a contest inside the Military Unit, in order to give motive to Sayeret Matkal soldiers to fight more.

Ofcourse there will be amazing prizes :
-5 gold to the 1st in damage inside the MU.
-50 q7 weapons to the 2nd in damage inside the MU.
-5 gold to the 1st in opponents defeated inside the MU
-50 q7 weapons to the 2nd in opponents defeated inside the MU.

So basically someone can earn up to 10 gold or 100 q7 weapons or 5 gold+50 q7 weapons. we know the 4 first places are usually taken by Eynpahad,Joe Franco, John TG and Persian Punisher it should not be "fair" and should not give motive to the rest because the difference of the damage and the strenght of these soldiers to the rest is HUGE.
After discussion between these 4 soldiers, we decided that these 4 soldiers will be excluded from the contest.

For example, if your place at the end of the week is in 5th place in some category (and the other 4 places are Eynpahad,John,Joe and Persian Punisher) then you will get the 1st prize!

I personally want to thank Eynpahad,Joe and Persian Punisher for this movement.
Also,i want to thank Eynpahad for his offer to share with me the cost of this contest!

At the end of the weekly tournament ,the winners will receive their prizes!

~Who Dares Win~
John TG, Commander of Sayeret Matkal