Say Hello to a Five Party system!

Day 463, 05:08 Published in United Kingdom India by Tommy Tommasino

A Good Day for Democracy

With the Free-Thinking Party set to win its first official congress seats we will now be a system of five active and fully formed political parties, as recognised in recent legislation requiring House of Lords Members to be passed by all five parties not just the 'big three'.

Although not a member of the Free-Thinking Party myself, this is a great day for eUK politics. While UBP was a great representative force for the Belgian community, we now have more choice for British citizens in eUK.

Free-Thinking Party will obviously have to prove itself in the month ahead, as MDU did in recent months, but if they follow down the same path and go from strength to strength then this is nothing but positive for the state of eUK democracy.

Good luck to all those whose congress seats are still hanging in the balance, and congratulations to all those who secure their spot in the month ahead. And most of all, good luck to the Free Thinking Party!

Tommy Tommasino, UKRP North West Candidate