Savjet za sve "mlade" zemlje/Advice for all "young" countries

Day 1,151, 09:13 Published in Montenegro Serbia by Pedja16
Budite dobri prema eAmerikancima jer ako ih naljutite donijeće vam demokratiju!
Be nice to eAmericans because if you make them angry they will bring you democracy!

Prvo probaju sa diplomatijom...
First they will try diplomacy...

Zatim...pokušavaju da implementiraju slobodu štampe u ciljnoj državi...
Then...they try implementing freedom of press in the targeted country...

Posle toga nauče vas pravom značenju slobode...
After that they show you the true meaning of freedom...

Sledeći korak je "oslobođenje" odabrane zemlje
Next step is the "liberation" of the targeted country

Nakon čega udare u zid...
Then they hit a wall...

Posle dobijanja po dupetu...Povlače se...
After they get ass kicked...They withdraw...

Zatim upadnu u depresiju...i nalaze rešenje u "hrani"...
Then they get depressed...and find solution in "food"...

Zato, molim vas! Nemojte da ih ljutite pa da moraju da dolaze!
So, please!!! Don't make them angry and make them come!

Čak Noris odobrava ovaj članak!