Saving the Economy

Day 1,749, 03:49 Published in Canada Canada by Catsoo

I have been thinking over some time here in a sunny place, and I have created an idea! 😃 (Sounds amazing but it's really quite simple...)

Since funding is limited and hard to get in this big country with a small population, I have been thinking on a solution. It may or may not work, but I think it will work, as it works in real life politics.

I think the CP should lower taxes and VAT (etc...) to an absolute minimum and promote spending money. But only the citizens. If they invest in food factories, weapon factories...etc Since they will have a lot more money, they will upgrade more, and hopefully, donate to the CP, Health Ministry...etc

While this won't help eCanada directly (ie: Give money to the fund), it will give more food and weapons to the MUs and benefit the citizens and they will battle more! I believe this is what the country needs to do. It will also lower the price of food, wrm, frm, gold, weapons...etc After a while, when the economy has been 'cured', when can bring the taxes back up to 'normal' levels, so that the country won't run on citizen donations.

If you have any questions or suggestions, PM me or post here! 😁

Proud to serve an excellent country,

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