Save the workers

Day 359, 01:25 Published in South Africa Croatia by Sumski

Two entrepreneurs are talking; one regrets that there is not enough workers, others regrets that there is not enough raw materials for production. Effect of business is uncertain .. what will happen with their companies, with workers ...? Both full of hope look at the republic.... and they are hoping ...

This is about a situation that is happening in eRepublik, very difficult time for entrepreneurs.
Who is to blame? Surely all of us .. or no one .. simply, this is the situation on the market.

I want to refer on support the country to entrepreneurs. Government policy must be such that it does not allow the ruin of the private sector, which is the basis of the functioning of markets. Policy is dictating performance of production, because success does not happen accidentally and must be a consequence of successful policy.

Positive moves are made in the area of deuce the price of labor, but there are still enough area for improvement, depending on the policy. Its not new that an inflation is in reduction (again), caused by, among other things, large import and small Gross domestic product. Export is small and import is huge. We are the largest importers in eRepublik, while by GDP we are on 20th place. Again, success is not randomly happen, it is result of profound policy.

The basis of each production the workers and entrepreneurs. Imagine a pyramid that represents one state, base-bottom pyramid is the labor force. They are those who will carry the whole thing. Above them are entrepreneurs (companies), there are fewer, but one without the other can not exist. Government policy must be directed towards a small man, and to who paid wages to them. Among other things, and the state earns on them through taxes.

It is easy to conclude that this "pyramid base" is dictating the entire life of the country, and only the correct policy toward enterprise can raise the standard in the country. We simply cannot go in situation in which some other countrys are; place where there is no area for small worker.