Save the Democratic Republicans: Zacharius Axeland will Fight the Huns

Day 901, 17:41 Published in USA USA by Zacharius Axeland

One month ago, Hungarians took the Democratic Republicans, possibly with the aid of a traitorous American. This month, I say we take it back. This is our party. I ask all former Democratic Republicans to return to their party. We're not giving up without a fight, and I want us to fight together. I also request members of other parties join us as well, it's going to be a hard fight to win so we need all the support we can get.

Now why you ask? Why not let the party die? Because we put too much effort into it to give it up. We made this party great, we can't abandon it when it gets bad. It's our job to fix the party, and show the rest of the world what happens when you mess with America. I ask for us to stand united for America, and for fair play. I have trouble believing a legitiment PTO without any bending or breaking of the rules occured, we represent the fair players who are tired of things like this happening in our game.

In my revolution I have asked aid from John Largo, who in many ways was the heart of the Democratic Republicans. If I am victorious, he will serve as my Vice President. We will bring the Democratic Republicans back to power and make sure something like this never happens again. Help us reawaken our fallen dream, before it slips into the shadows.

I am Zacharius Axeland. I will fight the Huns, but I will not fight them alone. Please join the revolution.