Save our Jobs Save our Companies!

Day 678, 14:55 Published in Ukraine Ireland by loftedraptor

Our first Priority should be economic reform. We are going to lose most of our companies if we do not do something quickly.

Closed companies = less jobs = reduced labor pool. You cannot expect players who own companies to keep buying gold from Admins. to keep their companies open.

We must do several things to cause an improvement.

a. We must protect most of our domestic manufacturing industries and Grain and Iron companies with reasonably appearing to outsiders, but quite effective import taxes to protect our companies from outside competition. A 25% to 30% import tax should work fine.

b. We should encourage company owners to adjust wages at least to the point such that they break even and hopefully even earn a small profit on the time, trouble and gold they have invested in their companies. We should encourage good management practices and promote the use of effective company management tools.

c. We all have jobs and we should look after the interests of the companies we work for. A job is a gift from an active, dedicated player... . Owning a company is an expensive, time consuming never ending affair. Companies have to be monitored often, day in and day out as long as they are open.

A fair days work for a fair days pay. This should be the motto of every person of good will. Wellness is totally important to both our Country's National Production and to the Country's National Defense. With nearly daily war games and two Q5 Hospitals there is seldom an excuse for a player with level 3 work skill or above to have below 90 wellness.

Working with low wellness is stealing from your Employer and from your Country and should not be tolerated! We need to put forth this attitude to get our Country flying straight and level.

That is my 25 cents.

Respectfully submitted,
