Save me or let me die

Day 2,574, 04:19 Published in Romania Romania by oktyRO

Well, I forgot my safety code. Actually I never knew about it. Or maybe I did but I really forgot about this code. It`s gone. I did contact the geeks from the staff of the game and they just make it harder for me to remember anything about. They ask me to remember some stuff even older than the code it self. Something like :
- your real life name and surname
- e-mail and date of birth used when registering with eRepublik (NOT the registration Date)
- your citizen name and ID
- who has invited you into the game

Man, that was 5 years ago. It was on 1 of January 2010. It is very possible that my real name back then to be Santa Claus, and my date of birth 101 B.C. I do not remember very good. I do remember that my e-mail was another one that I use now. Now I use an old e-mail from my wife, imagine that. I did ask them to change my e-mail address, as the one used when registering with erep is now work exclusive use. My citizen name, well that is obvious, N.S.D and my ID - a random number that you find in your profile link. And, about the person who invited me to this game, well I guess that nobody invited me. But if someone did invite me, please let me know the name of that person, as I wanna pay him a visit and try to take from him 5 years back from my life.

Now, I know, I have problems, it`s my fault...but I spend here 5 years, I spend money and time. Check my Paypal account, check my phone number, check me on facebook. This is my account, it`s me the same person that comes every day in this game. There has to be another way to take back my account. I need that safety code. Without it, I can not do nothing. So, for my 5 years anniversay in this place, just give me back my account. Or don`t do nothing and save me from wasting more time around here. I will lose a lot with this code but I will save time for doing something else away from this place. So, it`s your choise erep labs, save a citizen that wanna play, find a way to help me, or send me that e-mail again and ask me things that I do not remember anymore as I did not use them since. I do have some details abot this account, I am not so lost in the dark, but I am not sure about them anymore.

Not so kind regards , one of your few real players.