Day 2,304, 12:47 Published in USA USA by Keith Barrett

Before I get to the main story, I would just like to welcome readers to my new paper, The Daily Advocate. I would greatly appreciate it if you subscribed to the paper and voted this article up if you agree or even disagree with the story.

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A sad time to be a Kangaroo

Low salaries, a collapsing economy, endless foreign invasions, isolation from a careless international community and last, but not least, a nation, with one of the greatest communities in the New World, on the brink of collapse. - These are some of the problems faced by one of our greatest natural allies - And yet, next to nobody in this country, or Europe, knows or cares.

As many of you probably don't know, eAustralia has recently been reduced to the tiny island of Tasmania and are on the edge of being wiped off the map. "So what?" you might say? Well I'll tell you what. Put yourself in the shoes of the average Australian citizen right now, how would you feel? If you was part of a glorious nation, such as ours, and then had everything you've ever known stripped from you, you'd be pretty annoyed, right? Well, the situation in Australia is far worse than just that. This is because, during their time of great desperation, they appealed to Sirius for help and aid, just to be treated with disrespect and to be ignored. I'm sure you can understand the Australian frustration when I tell you now that they are turning towards one of our opposing alliances, Asteria, for the support that we denied them (For stupid reasons, might I add).

Not only have we lost a strong ally, we have shown a great weakness, as an alliance, by leaving a once great nation and friend to collapse without ANY support.

What can YOU do?

I encourage ALL eUSA citizens to write to their congressmen and government and tell them that we must open up a discussion in congress with regards to the Australian crisis! It is within our national interest to maintain strong relations with nations in the Australasian region - and Australia, as well as New Zealand, are the BEST allies we can have in that part of the globe.

Thank you for reading.