Saturn Reference 第六十九期:四面楚歌

Day 1,675, 22:18 Published in China China by Yurikhan

Saturn Reference-土星参考

1-INCI is still attacking Cyprus in order to force the INCI members located in Cyprus to join them in USA, thus making INCI more powerful fighting against TEDEN countries except for USA. Cyprus has lost most of her bonuses
1 INCI继续对塞浦路斯发动攻势以迫使仍然滞留在塞浦路斯的INCI成员追随其脚步迁入美国,这使得INCI与除美国以外的TEDEN联盟国家进行着愈加激烈的对抗。截至目前,塞浦路斯已经失去了它绝大部分的资源加成。

edit: Cyprus Türkiye ambassador informed that Cyprus gave Egypt back to Greece as the agreement which Greece gave Cyprus Egypt expired. INCI is attacking Cyprus only in Arabia

2-Huge war in France continues
2 法国境内战火纷飞

a-Slovenia has occupied Germany's territories in France and knocked Germany out of the war in France
a 斯洛文尼亚攻占德国位于法国境内的飞地,将德国逐出法国战场。

b-Canada has come to France to help USA against her more powerful enemy Poland.
b 加拿大加入法兰西战团,援助美国盟友对抗其最强大的敌人波兰

c-Spain who recently signed NAPs with USA and Brazil wiped Portugal out and now giving NE law to Canada in order to help ONE.
c 刚刚与美国和巴西签订了互不侵犯条约的西班牙在扫平了葡萄牙的微弱抵抗之后,正在发动对加拿大的天敌法案以援助ONE盟友

d-As Canada changed her focus from British Isles to France United Kingdom became free of Canadian thread and now helping Poland with all her strenght.
d 随着加拿大将关注焦点从不列颠诸岛转移至法国战场,英国摆脱了来自加拿大威胁正全力援助波兰盟友。

e-France has almost no effect on war.
e 法国本国对战局几乎没有影响

3-USA is looking for a way out
3 美国正在寻求出路

Aquitaine is a huge loss for USA as the country draws her power from the foreigners who came to country for bonuses. A group defends leaving TERRA which became a powerless alliance after Brazil left.

They think if they leave TERRA, create new relationships and get their bonuses back, they will maintain their power and relationships with TERRA countries.

If USA leaves it's possible TERRA will dissolve and TEDEN will certainly lose power and coordination, which is certainly not to our benefit.

Their assumption that if they leave TERRA they will maintain their power isnt based upon strong arguements, because many high-populated strong MU's in USA are foreigners from allied countries, after USA leaves TERRA many of these MUs might stop fighting for USA, leave USA completely or try a PTO.

Also I don't really think TERRA or EDEN countries will love USA for abandoning them.

4. Despite Brazil left Terra and looking for a new alliance, she is keep battling Indonesia.
4 巴西退出TERRA后,正寻求加入新的联盟,此刻他们正与印尼维持作战。


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