Day 988, 02:54 Published in Malaysia Serbia by Crazyhouse

Government Programs

Being a 1st term candidate for president, i am more realistic about what we can do and what we cannot do. Few very important goals that we need to collectively accomplish:

1. Train a new corp of nationalistic leaders. We have a lot of active citizens, which are great. However, we need to push more of them towards responsibilities and governmental roles. This should be done in a gradual process - because if someone is given too much responsibility/power when he/she is not ready - then the end result is just agony.

2. Military organization/reform We have been talking about this since ages. During my first presidency, we manage to get some traction/attention (uniform, signing up, general setup). With 4-5 very good people involved in the process now, we are in the position to push further into cementing 1-3 permanent squadron, logistic issue. What we need is 3-6 active citizens to step up to be trained in military leadership. During my election period, i will contribute do the adjustment of our military and economy to the new v2 module, and i already have few useful ideas that i plan to realize.

3. Foreign affairs and Sol Games This will be more a personal goal. We need to repair our foreign affairs and diplomacy. We need to restart the Sol games, or start pondering the days where Sol games is no longer running. We need to reaffirm our relationship with our neighbors and the world at large. I anticipate an invasion later this month - so we need to deal with the repercussion and the impact of that too.

4. Social Office and newbies again. A month of neglect, we don't get many newbies surviving this month. Honestly, this is one of those important function of the government that people don't acknowledge as much. The only reason why we are getting so much activity this month - was because of the hard work of Maruko and team in the previous month. We need to have this government infrastructure going again. I have enlisted Hajariyan's great energy to help me realizing the education modules. perhaps we can finally go and summarize all the required training articles into the forums.

I'd like to mention that all parties in eMalesia gave their presidential election support to me, so for the first time we will be united in fulfilling our national goals. I'm honored to lead this coalition into presidential elections.

That's all from now. 🙂

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