Sara for the North East!

Day 519, 13:57 Published in United Kingdom Canada by SaraDroz

I would like to present my services to the voters of the North East as your prospective Congress candidate.

Firstly who am I? Well this is my fourth term working in the eUK Government in some capacity. I started as an Apprentice in the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, then moved to learn the intricacies of the Ministry of Finance as an Apprentice. That was the month where we started started to restore the countrys Gold balance and enhance the powers of the Finance Minister. Nobody can doubt the success of these reform and I am proud to have taken a small part in planning them.

Last month was my first as Minister of Foreign Affairs in which we started a complete Departmental Review. I was proud to kept on as Minister of Affairs this term and complete the review. The MoFa is now a lean and mean tool at use of eUK Government and ten times more effective than it was. We now have seperate forums for our Ambassadors to report in and target specific countries with whom we wish closer understanding.

Needless to say my list of Government contacts in eUK and abroad is extensive so anyone in North East that has a specific problem in eUK or abroad I am idealy suited to help. You are welcome to pm me in game, on forums or ask for my msn for detailed advice.

What do I stand for? Well while I am a member of UKRP I will be first and foremost YOUR representative. If you have strong views on subject that is going to Congress vote I promise to represent you - the people of North East, even if it is against my Party's policy.

Now I cannot promise you Defence Systems and Q5 Hospitals (nota bene Hassan!) as these are the decision of the War Council. The truth is that Congress members have little power except to represent your views (please express them!!!!) and help contact other people to solve your individual problems

I further pledge that should I be elected I shall consult with the other elected people from the region and try to open a company with our conjoined 5 gold Congress bonus's to start. Idealy this would be a housing company so all in the region who work for the company for 30 days can buy a house at cost price. The Company would be run by a regional Council. Once word get's around of our work for a house scheme this will encourage migration of new players to our region. (For this idea I am endebted to silky, Jan Bakayra and Stefan Dorunga).

I have the experience, I hope, to serve you well. I have the contacts to sort out any problems you may have. I am here represent YOU. I have ideas to help house you. I humbly submit myself for your consideration to represent you in Congress for the next month.

Thankyou for taking your time to read this.