Santa Exposed as a COMMIE!

Day 754, 13:54 Published in USA USA by Fredrick Engels

Being the man I am I love to watch my Christmas specials. The other day I noticed something when watching Santa Clause is Comin' to Town


If you know anything about Santa Claus is Comin' to Town like I do you know the roots of Santa's turn to radicalism was when Burgermeister Meisterburger outlawed toys because he tripped over a toy. Santa brought toys to the little girls and boys and the burgermeister could not have it and he tried to arrest Santa! Santa has been part of the rebel movement ever since, not ever once caring about the law, always giving gifts to the kids illegally in the dead of night. He lived by the motto "A gift according to your wants, being nice according to your ability." Haven't you also noticed Santa Claus is always wearing a red suit?

This was also the beginning of his clash with the bourgeoisie. Just compare the two words bergermeister and bourgeoisie. They are very similar and therefore it can not be overlooked, this can only be realized as the beginning of the struggle between communists and bourgeoisie and Santa realized as the first communist. Santa was first mentioned in the American press in 1773 way before Karl Marx or any other communist. But this brings us to another question, why didn't Karl Marx ever talk about Santa Claus in any of his theoretical works about how Santa was the first communist and the first to realize the struggle that will have to be fought against the bourgeoisie? After frivolous work I may have figured out why! KARL MARX IS SANTA CLAUS!!!! </strong> Karl Marx is Santa Clauses' disguise because Santa did not want to be exposed for what he truly is,<strong> A FILTHY COMMUNIST!
After searching through billions of photos I finally came across the one I needed as evidence to back this up:

Apparently after a hard night of work he got home and didn't take his Santa outfit off before he flew back to London to pretend to be Karl Marx and we got this incriminating photo.
But according to the ALL POWERFUL WIKIPEDIA Marx was born 1818 in Germany and died in 1883. This has to be a falsehood because Santa was first mentioned in 1773 in America, and I saw Santa putting presents under my tree last year. The only way we can settle this is by looking at Karl Marx's supposed birth certificate, and even if it all checks out I won't believe it because I'm stubborn and hate communists/Santa.