SangeAlbastru running for people, for Eastern Cape, for congress!

Day 763, 17:37 Published in South Africa Romania by SangeAlbastru

Good evening citizens of eSouth Africa.

Allow me to introduce myself, I am SangeAlbastru, better known for my interviews beginning from party members and stretching to presidents and congressmen. I was also a mere journalist at the AGW newspaper, but I worked hard, I put a lot of devotion in it, and thru time I was lead journalist and finally, chief editor.

My cons

I know other candidates have something that I do not, at this moment, that being experience. As I see, most are known, and have already been in the esteemed congressional halls for several times. I respect them and their devotement shown there. I must admit that I was always very passionate regarding politics, and read most(if not all) political papers in our country so I can get a better glimpse of what’s happening there.

My pros

Well, regarding the cons I have right now in comparison to others, I think my key-point is activity. Even if I don’t post an article daily, I assure you that I read and listen to everything and everyone. Another thing I can mention is that I am and would do my best to keep the people informed about most happenings here. Through my interviews, uninterested citizens have gain appreciation for some, and maybe I did clear their minds. I also believe everyone is equal in rights, so everyone must be treated at their best. Even if they are trolls, PTO’ers I would like to approach them politely with diplomacy, because my belief is that violence(be it physically or verbal) doesn’t solve a thing.

So why on behalf of the AGW?

Because I was looking for a well-established libertarian party. I am, in essence and structure, an avid liberal. Because I feel that now-a-days people should be more tolerant to outsiders and open-minded towards changing. I have to say(maybe it’s a little self-praising) that I was not one of those who joined because of the phenomenon known as Travis Granger(which, I respect dearly) and that I was a clumsy citizen hailing from eRomania, Banat(my iRL country).

What would you do?

Being a diplomat and a peace-maker, I think the 1st thing to be done is to get eSouth Africa in good if not excellent relations with it’s neighbors. I would also like to be the voice of people inside congress, a thing most have forgot and decided to just be absent and pride themselves in a disgusting manner.

One thing about economy I have personally noticed is the impossibility of a house company owner to sell outside borders. The prices are just evil, and there’s no way he could make any profit. This clearly needs some tweaking.

Also, through my paper(or the party’s) I would like to keep the people informed about what I and my fellow party-members really do. This kind of things should be everywhere, so that citizens REALLY know what’s going on there, and not a taboo thing that people barely speak of.

I can assure you that I will not be some kind of “bad, unreliable, rebel” congressman, and that I will stick to the majority even if I have some beliefs of myself. In democracy, is the majority who decides, but the minority is not to be bashed away but be reconciled and taken care of.

Do what you feel to do

I cannot shout “vote for SangeAlbastru”, and frankly, I will not. What can I do, is to say that I would be greatly in debt if you, people of eSA, would give me a chance in this great debacle. I won’t say “don’t vote for X” either, as it’s your personal opinion, and your vote which you give it to whoever feel it’s better, but before putting the stamp there, think about what I’ve said.

Thank you all for reading this, and maybe I will be like a breath of fresh-air in this congressional halls.

I'll leave you now with a beautiful sight of the Eastern Cape flora and other marvelous geographical resources.

Best regards,
Chief editor of AGW newspaper