Same divisions different outcome

Day 1,867, 13:44 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

( this can be considered part of my work as Ambassador to Spain )

I was waiting some articles in Spanish media to prove that our "divisions" and "hate" are common in other countries and that doesn't prevent them from being great and powerful countries.
Well, suddendly the mother of the all divisions and hate articles appeare😛

Yes, in Spanish, it has been writen by the current CP of Spain, KueRVo, and I'm going to translate and highlight some of the best points to prove that UK is not a "worse" or a "rotten" place, we have the same "diseases"
( if political debate can be labelled as
such) :

"Pero no es oro todo lo que reluce. Por desgracia, el deporte nacional
en este país es la envidia, el odio irracional a todo lo que no sea
uno mismo. Y ahí es donde radica la desgracia de ser CP de eEspaña.En
tener que aguantar el lanzamiento de mierda gratuito por parte de
todos aquellos

"It's not gold all that shines. Regretfully, national sport in this
country is envy, irrational hate to anything apart from
oneself. That's where the disgrace of being Spain CP resides. Having
to bear the throwing of shit ( mudsliding ) on behalf of all those

Ejemplo 1: El viejuno amargado que se cree Dios.

Queridos Kojie y Outsmarter, me alegro mucho de que seáis los putos
amos del Foro Unificado.Es más, me alegro mucho de que ese cargo infle
vuestra autoestima, ya que lamentablemente, es a lo único que puede
aspirar alguien,que sin conocer a otra persona de nada "

"Example #1. The old bitter guy that thinks he's God.

Dear Kojie and Outsmarter, I'm glad you are the fecking masters of the
Unified Forum ( the spanish forums). Moreover, I'm really glad that
that post blows up your selfsteem, that regretfully, it's the only
thing that somebody like you may aspire to without knowing anything
about someone." ( The Invalidation? Dan Moir?)

"Ejemplo 2: El CP de Farmville.

Este punto va dedicado al señor madridista1991. Un presidente
mediocre, tirando a inadvertido, que creyó que su mayor logro fue
mantener los bonus de este país (bonus que por otra parte perdimos
algunos días), sin aportar ninguna emoción

"Example #2. The Farmville CP.

This point is devoted to Mr. madridista1991. A mediocre president,
kind of irrelevant, that believed that his best achievement was to
keep the country bonuses ( bonus, that, nonetheless, were lost some
days), with no real excitement provided to the game.
" (Talon?)

"Ejemplo 3: El hater. (Irracional)

Aquí puedo meter a varias personas. Desde el shitstormer habitual que
en cuanto le llevas la contraria o ve algo que su limitado
conocimiento del juego no puede entender te lo tira todo a la cabeza
(medusa 62), al que se coge un berrinche de niño chico y se dedica a
difundir mala prensa sobre uno aunque lleves meses sin nombrarle, y
además se cree que es buen escritor (Espaugyl)"

"Example #3. The hater ( irrational)

Here, I can choose several guys. Either the usual shitstormer, that hits you
when you disagree with him or he doesn't understand something, either
the kid that cries like a baby and he pester you in the media, even
when you haven't mentioned him , and he believes himself a good
(myself ?, LLC? )

"Ejemplo 4: El Judas.

Ahora vamos a hablar de gente, que incluso estando dentro de tu propio
equipo, y lo que ello conlleva (se supone que confían en ti), son los
primeros en atacar. "

"Example #4. Judas.

Now, let's deal with people of your own team, supposedly they trust
you, the first to attack"
( BigAnt, do you know anybody?)

"Ejemplo 5: El porque sí.

Gente que odia por odiar. Gente que insulta por insultar. Gente que
cree que por su rol de “soy más listo que tú” realmente lo son. Quizá
asumir ese rol les haga sentirse realizados, pero el hecho de creerse
mejor que alguien, no te hace serlo. "

"Example #5. Because I wish so!

People that hate by the pleasure of hating. People that insult by the
pleasure of insulting. Poeple that believe that his role of "I'm
clever than you" makes them more intelligent than they are. Perhaps,
asuming that role makes them fullfilled as person, but the fact of
thinking oneself better than other, it doesn't make so.

" (LLC? Ergo Deus?)

Ejemplo 6: El cortijero.

Aquí podría agrupar a muchos de los anteriores. Gente que hace piña
para atacar a todo aquello que escapa de su control. "

"Example #6. The landowner.

Here I can put many of the later. People that flock to attack
everything beyond their control."

(TUP? New Era? UKRPP? (put your favourite party here, except
Spammicans, ofc))

As you can see Spain has the same ( if not higher) levels of "hate", and the country flourishes.