Salvation of ILP (1 out of 40)

Day 2,367, 12:08 Published in Ireland Ireland by Viktor Kurgan


Well not really.....

It saving ILP from ILP leadership....

As you know Clerics always supported ILP even they are declared heretics...coz we belived their heart is in the right place.

Since beginning of ILP Clerics were adamantium Shield protecting the party and their members of most brutal attacks and abuse.

Clerics like a good gardeners were removing anything that could block the sun from young ILP flower so it could grow strong as it is today

Not only that....

When ILP was PTOed by evil Orcs it was CLerics who took action, kicked orcs out and liberated ILP!

Did ILP stand for Clerics?


We understood....coz we belived ILP leadership has heart in right place.

But they did not...

Clerics well known benevolence made them belive ILP leadership is different then other politicians in eIreland.

That they indeed stand for transparency and honour.

But truth turned up to be they are just as corrupted and selfish as any other politicians....

As you remember not so long ago ILP leadership decided to join Orcs and attack their best allies and above all friends accusing them to be bullies...

That Clerics bully and abuse Bhane, a respectable irish citizen.

And how Clerics bullied Bhane?

Did we called him pedophile? We did not.

Did we go personal on him? We did not.

Did we found a party with his testicles in party name? Nope.

Did we called for blind report of every of his comments? no....

Did we tried to frame him a ban? never...

But it's the Clerics who were victims of all of this actions and more.

Bhane as CP gave ministry position to traitor and a thief.

Clerics strongly objected that such a moral failure be even near irish government.

And all our actions were focused on ingame actions of Bhane..not rl..not rl Bhane.

Bhane as CP decide to run a referendum with only him as vote counter...

Clerics strongly objected coz of severe lack of transparency and made logical conclusion Bhane is framing elections.

As you know bhane's excuse was to protect privacy of voters and defend them from bullies coz of their votes.

Brother Krakken had an open referendum on erep could see every vote and name behind it.

And what happened? one was bullied or trolled.

Especially not by CLerics..coz we do not care about voting results but voting transparency.

But what was the thing that made ILP leadership backstab their loyal friends?

A day before CP election where Bhane was running for a second term...only one day.....bhane and his orc friends started to whine in public about Bhane being
seriously ill in rl...cancer or something like that.

We Clerics saw clearly this was a attempt to gain cheap simpathy votes...and we voiced our revolt... we voiced hard.

Coz there can be only two truths!

1.Bhane is faking rl illnes and he lied about it to win CP elections

2.Bhane is truly ill and he still decided to use it to win CP elections.

Both truths are pathetic and disgusting.

But not for ILP leadership....

They joined orcs in this travesty and turned against Clerics and everything Clerics stand for.....transparency, intergrity and similar shit...

Why you ask?

Well that is where all this gets a funny twist....

Orcs in their best brought a big noise about how Clerics dare to question Bhane's illnes....and this noise was so great it actually broke down ILP leadership and forced them
to bend over to Orc's will.

The Beast inside me is still amazed how Orcs subjected entire ILP leadership into mental submission within hours.

So when Raven says they will not bend over before Orcs or clerics....its kind of funny..coz that ship has already sailed with orcs at helm.

As for Clerics..we never wanted ILP bendover before Clerics but to grow a spine and stand tall for what is right.

ILP likes to present itself as socialist, read communist, revolutionaries....

But did you ever saw anything revolutionary or even a trace of rebels in ILP?

Yes they talk about it but when they have to step up.....nothing...hiding in holes....

According to belifs ILP claim to be, CLerics are true revolutionaries....fighting against corrupted rulling establishment.

But...actions and belifs of ILP leadership shows clear signs of possession by SATAN!

They claim to be atheists coz they do not belive in imaginary beings...They use reason and facts!

But their every action in this game is based on faith...on beliving...not facts or reasoning.

For example:

-They belive minister of finance is doing a stellar job even we never saw full financial report from data...but ILP leadership have faith in MoF.

-they belived and had faith in Cydp to be a good PP of ILP.....the got PTOed by Cydp...

-They belived sawc can be trusted with paswords of orgs who had millions of iep on thier accounts.....sawc stole all those millions.

-they belive bhane is honourable irishman even with all this crap he pulled as CP...ignore the facts....just blind faith...

Lets face it...

If someone drop Orcs into middle of some jungle within a week they would burn the jungle to the ground, kill most of animals and the rest would sell for medical testing.
And if there would be some local tribe they would friend them, plunder and sold them into slavery...

If someone drop ILP leadership into the same place....they would all die before day 2....

So clearly inspite their claims ILP leadership secretly desire to belive so why not give them something real and powerful to belive...coz as they are they are all bloody useless...

Instead their failed belifs....we Clerics will give ILP something they miss all of their empty lifes......Jesus!


An as State Prior and Cleric of The Word it's my duty to help those tortured souls and lead them into the light of The Word of Heavens!

So since last month forward Clerics are charging at PP position of ILP month after month...coz we care!

Last moth Krakken was running, this month i will run coz brother KRakken is too busy with a secret holly mission...

Clerics knows odds of actual winning are very small...but Clerics act out of Faith! Not odds!


Your beloved State Prior

Viktor Kurgan....Cleric of The Word

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