Sales, v2.0!

Day 1,227, 08:15 Published in Sweden France by Totood The Second

Dear citizens of Homonavia.. This is a scenario you've encountered before!

Earlier this month, I had a "upgrade-my-company-sale" - it was a great succes, and +1200 pieces of Q1 food were gone in >10 min's..

This time, it's a bunch of Q2-food, 1500 pieces to be more accurate..
Unfortunately, with the new BIG storage, someone will have the opportunity to buy everything..
Therefore, I will put it for sale in batches of 100 pieces at a time..
The first batch will be put for sale when this article is printed - the rest will come along the rest of they day, each time accompanied by a comment from me below this article.. So keep an eye on this article!

The price of the food will be 1 SEK, meaning a 30% discount compared to the marked prices!

BUT, since beginners don't tend to sit on a lot of money, I will reserve an additional 250 pieces to those of you who are born later than day 1150 of the New World.
All you have to do, to get your hands on 25 pieces of Q2 food (100 health in total) is to comment in this article, and I will donate it to you!

Now is that something you might be interested in? Well, I thought so - now go fight, raise your rank and be a proud citizen of Homonavia..
And while doing so, remember the two words:
Norsefire Party

Not just because it is an awesome party, but because we are the ones promoting English!!

Strength through Unity,
Unity through HrBjorn!

Kind Regards,
(This message was approved by Barney Stinson - now, go suit up and help Homonavia become AWESOME)