Sakurakai CP Nomination change

Day 1,714, 07:14 Published in Japan Japan by Tetsuya Tameru

Well, kinda. Not really. See, at the present moment, one might notice that the offical candidate for Sakurakai is no longer Ahava, its me.

A few days ago, Ahava had mentioned that she may be withdrawing from the running. She had informed me that she would post something to that effect in our party forums, She never did. Based on that, I figured it best to replace her, lest she be elected for a position she would be unable to maintain effectively. (Didn't go with the benefit of the doubt because the last thing we need is an inactive president, that would be catastrophic)

Interestingly enough, it shows that she is still a candidate for the DPJ, so she will still be running. Based on that, I will still run, because since I am in the position to do so, why not right? This campaign is going to be heavily half-assed as a result though, as my heart is not in it to win. I encourage you to vote otherwise if you so desire. I personally intend to vote for Nowe.

I will be campaigning on a serious level next month.

Once again, I am mainly a filler, there is no majority party support for this guy. *thumbs towards himself* I won't be opposed to winning if by some miracle, the Owl Emperor smiles upon me in his rest and I do somehow win. In that case, I'll do my best. I'm sure Alfred Ball would do the same. O7

(I'd appreciate it if accusations didn't occur, because obviously I wouldn't be bothering to tell you to "feel free to vote otherwise" if I was. Herp Derp, I'd be needing your votes. I need your votes like a fat guy needs another burger. He may not NEED another one, but he wouldn't mind)

Thanks for reading, in return, Tits for those who want them.

burgers for fellow fatty's

yes that is a Bacon Pizzaburger.
Damn its hungry in here.