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Day 400, 06:38 Published in Thailand Thailand by Guy Kilmore

With the holiday season upon us, I promise to keep this short and simple. I am standing for congressional elections this time around. I wish to remind the people of Thailand that of the Sabai Unity's Political Platform, which is:

1). Improving the discourse in Thailand
2). Empowering Citizens to feel that they have an active voice in Thailand
3). Creating a Transparent Government to develop a sense of trust amongst Thailanders
4). Encourage the continued immigration of active citizens to grow our workforce
5). The creation of government assisted programs to reward active citizens.

These are still ideals I hold close to my heart and attempt to follow in every interaction.

When you vote, look at that person's actions. Look at what their party stands for and vote for someone who will help Thailand continue to grow.

I apologize for the lack of banana hammock's in this picture.