Sad this moment arrives

Day 1,318, 08:06 Published in USA USA by floretman

Im very sad and dissapointed. This game is turning into a big mess, and it doesnt seems to stop.
Maybe its admins fault, maybe its the players fault, i dont know.
I ve been playing this game for a month or so, and i dont understand how the admnis can run so many changes in that short period of time.
Im new here, but ive been playing this kind of games for a long time. i played ogame for about 5 years, so i know what im talking. This game is showing signs of a near death.
I hope to be wrong about this, the ppl pleaying here is very helpfull, and the dynamics of the game is very interesting in my opinion, but all those changes, removing stuff, ad more important doing them out of nowhere, without explaining why, and never listening what players want, or their opinion at least, is not going to make the game more interesting, in fact i think it push players away.
Once again i hope to be wrong, i will stay around for a while, and hope many ppl do the same.
See u all