S.E.E.S. structure

Day 849, 16:19 Published in USA USA by Emerick

Here, for your perusal, is the S.E.E.S. party structure. Enjoy.

Party President - Emerick
The president, also known as Das Führer, is the top executive, and has the power to directly command every member of the party, including but not limited to his staff. Every member is expected to show the utmost respect for Das Führer and must follow his every order, no matter how they may feel about it. A pawn does not always know why it’s moved forward, but it must move. Failure to follow an executive order will result in a level 5 punishment, which will be laid out later.

Grand Vizier - Joshua Patterson
The position of Grand Vizier is the most cushy job in the party structure. The Grand Vizier is the second in command of the party, and has the power to issue orders to other party members, but may not override Das Führer’s order. His main function, however, is to act as Das Führer’s right-hand man, and develop strategy along with the executive staff.

Council of Elders
St Krems
Harrison Richardson

The Council of Elders approves Congressional candidates who wish to represent our party in Congress. Each congressional election, people who wish to run for congress with assistance from our party’s resources must take a congressional competency test. This may or may not be followed up with an interview by the council or select council member(s). Based on the council’s previous knowledge of the citizen plus the member’s results from the test, they will decide if that person would make a quality congressman. Of course, Das Führer has the final say in all matters.

The Council also assists Das Führer and the Grand Vizier in strategy discussion and decision-making. The Council of the Elders acts as a brain trust to Das Führer and assists him in any important decision-making that he chooses to include them in. One of the most important principles of the council is confidence. Everything discussed in the council’s chambers is to be kept behind those closed doors. No council member may share another council members’ thoughts on anything discussed, and the worst crime that a council member can commit is to reveal the name of a council member who lobbied for a certain decision. For example, if the council decides not to stand behind a particular congressional candidate, an opposing council member may not reveal the names of the council members who opposed him. This is to promote the council’s freedom to express their opinions on all matters. Any council member who is caught revealing another council member’s thoughts is immediately and permanently removed from the Council of Elders without prejudice.

Election Director - St Krems
This is the guy that sets up the congressional elections. He’s the one who makes sure that all of our people are running in the correct state, that there are blockers in the correct position, and yes, makes backroom deals with other parties when necessary. He will have a group of puppies who will assist the congressional hopefuls in their campaigns with advice and generally being their bitches. Also, every congressional candidate will need final approval from the Führer or Grand Vizier before they are privy to our services.

Education Director - Harrison Richardson
The Education Director will obviously be the director of our education programs. He will direct "Emerick's Youth" which is the nickname the recipients of this program. We will have a mentoring program where new players will request a mentor and they will guide the new player into the different aspects of the game. Emerick's Youth will also attend lectures, Q&A sections, and have the option of apprenticeships to get them involved and knowledgeable as soon as we can.

Economic Expert - position currently vacant
The Economic Expert will provide input to what we should do economically and how to advance ourselves in the economic world. He will be in charge of our companies and direct them to reaching and maintaining maximum output. He will also work towards the party becoming an economic power in America, allowing us to become stronger and lead us to elite superiority that surpasses governments of the eWorld.

Communications Manager - St Krems
He overlooks the programs that establishes contact with eRepublik citizens and maintains it with those who choose to maintain contact with the party. This includes, but is not limited to contacting noobs, running the press releases, and maintaining wiki articles. Generally, his job will be to make sure the party of greatness reaches out to every American, letting them know the opportunity that awaits them.

Bloc Leaders - an assload of people
Bloc Leaders work under the Communications Manager, and will maintain contact with all party members. Once a week, they will perform a party-wide census in the interest of knowing our membership and power. There will be many, many Bloc Leaders, as each Bloc Leader will be expected to contact 20 party members once a week. As such, this will be the starting position of most members who want to get involved in the party.

Recruitment Grunts - same
Finally, we have the recruitment grunts, also under the Communications Manager. The recruitment grunts may not be on the top of our party structure, but they are close to being most important. These are the people who will spend a lot of time reaching out to their fellow citizens, teaching them about the glory of having SEES membership. They will be some of our hardest workers and will attempt to convince as many people as they can to join SEES to increase our numbers, our strength, and by association, America’s.

The S.E.E.S. party has already set itself apart from the rest of the parties by being better in nearly all categories. We are more organized, more efficient, and more importantly, more involving. Getting everyone involved, whether they be days old or years old, will require only the best of the best to lead it. This means the party is going to be strict with its leadership, only allowing the elite of the elite to help staff it, making sure to keep our party above all others which will then lead to a better America.

We are starting a moving company effective immediately. Those in the party who wish to volunteer their manufactoring skill to the glory of the party are encouraged to do so.