RW Info 1: Days 3193 and 3194

Day 3,193, 03:36 Published in Iran Sweden by Gentle Predator
I'll be posting info of next successful resistance wars, so everyone can get a medal, not just those with info closed to public.

All RWs posted have 99% chances of success.

Day 3193:
eRep Time _ Country ____ Region

13:50:03 ___ Australia ____ Wellington
15:46:29 ___ Montenegro _ Southern Basarabia
18:20:03 ___ Belarus ______ Northern Bohemia
20:22:37 ___ Colombia ____ Llanos

Day 3194:
eRep Time _ Country _ Region

00:04:26 ___ China _____ Visayas
😇8:28 ___ Poland ___ Minskaya
Good luck hunting! 😉


Guys, shout this around! 😃

PS: If anyone has any idea how to format a better table, tell me.