Russian Declaration of Independence

Day 199, 11:37 Published in Norway Russia by HateBot

We the people, the community of the International Communist Party, as previous citizens of eRussia declare on this day that we are a free and independent people.

We hold the previous ideals of nation, land, self-governance, and economy to be our own and not the work of another power. These are ideals which must be re-established if we are to continue our lives as breathing men and women of this world.

As the people of this previously independent nation, we declare independence because of the crimes which have been committed against our nation and our kin.

Our right at independence, our right of economic isolation, our right of self governance, our right of charging the affairs of our own peoples, and our right to pursue our own form of ideology in both nation and in welfare. These rights must be separate from the empire and separate so that Russians may once more find their own path of prosperity within this world. In the current state of affairs these divine rights are all but impossible.

Therefore we propose, to the Norwegian government and congress, our independence on the following terms.

1. Russia will be recognized as an independent and free society in which the rules of democracy will be allowed to take its place.

2. We must be allowed our sovereignty either through diplomacy, Administration intervention, or by contained rebellion within the Norwegian empire in the one land locked province: St. Petersburg.

3. The two nations should they so choose to mend the wounds of the past, must sign Mutual Protection Pacts as a sign of good faith and in mutual agreement of each other’s independence and right of self governance.

4. We declare that we are a separate power, not a province nor a region of the Norwegian Empire. We are a separate nation which is built off the ideals of Socialism and ideology of Communism; which we must be free to develop both economically and politically.

5. We ask as such that our markets remain un-invaded from our Norwegian neighbors and that by mutual understanding and curtsey we ask for no trade between our sovereign states.

6. Russians have struggled within the Empire to achieve a means of proper survival, since the invasion our people have been trapped within the singular region of Moscow. As such we ask for, and must receive as terms of this agreement, 30 NOK (or what is equal to the current average price of Q1 movement tickets at the time) from the Norwegian government to each Russian citizen who wishes to move, to pay for movement tickets to this new region.

Henceforth, as majority representatives of the Russian citizenship, the International Communist Party proposes this document to the Norwegian government. If this declaration is denied, and our independence is not recognized by the congress or by the leadership we will continue our attempts at independence in both diplomatic and militaristic means. As previous citizens of eRussia we sign below as a symbol of our recognition for this document, for the truths which have been spoken are sacred and express our divine right of self governance.

We Hereby Sign:




Eternal Winter



The people of the Red Resistance Front

The people of the MKF

The people of the International Communist Party