, flying in the upcoming party presidency elections.

Day 876, 19:00 Published in South Korea New Zealand by krzych32

So I decided to run for a party president. At first I was planning to run in 978 ( or something like that.) but at the end of the day I decided to run in "Project for a New Korea". Considering that all of the candidates in 978 ( I really hope I'm getting the name right...) seem to be really good candidates I decided to let them fight it out between themselves. As all of you know, only 2 out of 3 current candidates in "Project for a New Korea" are fully capable of running a party ( you see what I did there? a little mind play....).

Normally, I would write a bunch of reasons why I should be elected and what I could do for this party right about..........NOW. But as most of you can see, this are not normal electins, every candidate is running in this party just because he doesn't want the other guyz to win. So, my argument is simple, if you don't want any one of the other 3 candidates to win just vote for straightforward? All right, let me change that, I want to make Korea a cooler place for everyone to live in, even if "everyone" can't stand "everyone".

So here is my message of hate, I would bash every candidate individually but really, I have nothing bad to say about any of them. E51 asked me to join his party back in the day and he seemed like a nice guy that takes care of his frinds. Breton is actually really funny, and Mark seems like a reasonable person, even if from time to time he is......

Ok, I should really stop freewriting right about now, it turns out that what I really wanted is to write an article, and spend 2G on with no chance of any profit out of it, but if you really are thiking about voting for me just know that I have experience in running a party and I'm not going to let you down.

So vote for me in......well, you know.