Running in Northern Ireland

Day 852, 10:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by lap12345
WE NEED Biddly Bong Pills!!!

Biddly Bong Pills were created by the Legendary Brian Badonde.

If you have never heard of Brian Badonde then please GTFO and just vote and sub and that will be all.

If you know Brian Badonde then you will have seen him at various places such as -


The World Cup In South Africa (Not his greatest moment):

Playing as goalkeeper in an important game advertising his Biddly Bong Bills:

Im sure you have seen these before and him on the news as he always is, but i just wanted to show again just how truly great and magnificent he is.

Now getting onto the Biddly Bong Pills -

Here's what they look like:

When you suffer from Brrattz you can take New Biddly Bong Pills. Take 1 a day, 3 a day for four times a day! Biddly Bong Pills help you refill all Happiness and Wellness straight away 😛

Biddly Bong Pills Advertisement -

Just a few good videos of the Great Man Himself

The video below is when he got Bourettes -

Brian Badonde filming for the new James Bond -

Brian Badonde - OBE - Creator of Biddly Bong Pills