Running in Minnesota

Day 760, 17:35 Published in USA Bulgaria by comandokiller

Hello my name is comandokiller and here to announce my candidacy for congress in the state of Minnesota. As you look at my platform and my qualifications you will just why I'm the person to represent Minnesota in congress.

New Players
New players are something that we have made tremendous inroads in increasing. Just getting them to sign up is not it even though it is a big step in the right direction we must turn them into productive members of the game. This is why I support such organizations such as the welcoming committee, Meals on Wheels, Flying Unicorn Squadron, and The Salvation Army. They are the future of our nation and will provide more labor to the work force and much more damage to our nation.

I'm a huge supporter of the military and militias such as Seal team 6 and Eagles. We must continue to support them, supply them and use them in battle. The militaries are become more autonomous with the use of their own weapons and iron companies. That by no means can we cut funding to them but allows us to use this funding in a much economical way.

The economy is at this time doing well in my personal opinion. I wouldn’t change any of the taxes that we have now unless we had urgent need for more funds for the treasury. The value of the USD in my opinion should stay as it is at .025 gold per USD. This provides a good balance for both exporting and importing while allowing us to expand our economy.

Foreign Policy
I believe this is one of the most important areas that we can use with the help of the State Dep. A very important option that we must continue to use and expand is to try and bring Neutral nations onto our side and brake off minor nations that are part of Phinox. This not only whittle downs their numbers and support for them but increases ours.

Current Ambassador to Bulgaria
Regional BOSS of Eastern Europe (State Dep)
Current XO of Bravo 5 Mobil Infantry
Frm. Mentor Mentor Program
Current Mentor in the Salvation Army
General manager of Bayou inc