Running in Louisiana

Day 791, 18:59 Published in USA Bulgaria by comandokiller

Hi eUSA I'm comandokiller and I'm going to be running in the great state of Louisiana under the Democrat Republicans. So lets get down to business.

Fortress States
I'm in favor of what we have now the 3 main fortress states of Florida, California , and Karnataka. The reason that we can't expand this at the moment is that we simply don't have the population to sustain a decent wall. The Welcoming committee and all those helping move people out of the wasteland do so quite well and those that don't move usually just want to two click and be left alone.

I support completely the regular military and the militias which are priceless in there effectiveness. The military has done a great job at becoming a little more independent with its own companies but continuing to fund is needed and congress has done a great job with it. Continued expansion of the military will not only improve our effectiveness on the battlefield but will help with the retention problem we are suffering from.

Love them Hate them we still need them. We have been doing a great job at attracting people to the game through many ways. The problem is not attracting new players but to retain them once they are here. Two clicking gets boring fast so we need to get them involved in some way or another whether its the Military the State Dep or any other way. We have been making great inroads in helping people get active but we must continue to do so or be stagnant.

Frm Eastern Europe Region BOSS - I headed up the ambassadors in the Eastern European countries. Currently DanielCD
Deputy Director of Ambassador Affairs Europe- I oversee all the European region BOSS's and there countries.
Treasure of the Democrat Republican party
XO of Bravo 5 Mobil Infantry