Running For UKRP PP -

Day 1,088, 13:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by lap12345

Okay so here is my eCV -

eUK -

Congress - x4

I started in the Royal Navy on HMS Will Salmon. I then moved to the SAS and have been there for ages and at the minute I am in the UKSF. I have been a Brigadier in the SAS and I have been a top supplier for the SAS. When the military was reformed I got moved to the choppers unit and I was fairly high up.

x3 apprentice
x3 Under Minister
x1 Junior Minister
x1 Minister for a day
x1 Half term as JM and half as Minister.
x2 Minister

x1 Wiki Apprentice
x1 Advertising Apprentice Off-Site
x1 Apprentice in the Department For Players
x1 Apprentice in the Department for Recruitment

x1 Ambassador to eIndia

As you can see from my eCV I have done alot but I've always tried my hardest and I've always put in the effort to do a great job.

The Media -

Okay so our paper has been lacking articles coming out of it every few days. This annoys me as if we want to progress and even challenge TUP we need to have an article out every 3 days and it needs to be in the top 5 articles. We need to try and get all our party members subbed to our paper so a message will go out to them with the link to our paper.

UKRP members articles also need to be voted up. If we want to get more people in the UKRP we need to show them that we work as a team and that we support each other. So when a member has posted it in the topic for us to vote it, I expect people to vote it and comment it. We need to give each other as much support as possible and it will deflect onto other people.

We need all of our articles to get in this ^


Our policies havn't been renewed for a couple of months but thats just a spanner in the works. At the minute we are actually doing our policies and hopefully when they are in our paper they will get the recognition they deserve. The policies need to be released seperately as well as together it's a bit of tl;dr. They will need updating on the wiki as well and I would like these discussions on policies to happen every term because it's really great. It gets every member involved and the newer players learn something. It also shows players who want to join us what we are about and what we believe.

Congress Elections

Obviously we need to do far far better than last month. I mean that was a disgrace for this party. We as a party have high hopes and getting such a low result really wasn't the best for the party. Quite a few members were thinking of quitting but they stayed and now we are moving forward. I have high hopes for congress and as a party we should be getting above 12 congress members everytime. I know we have the capability to get above 12 people in congress and I think if we achieve 12 or more this will show we are heading in the right direction. I would like to see 3 people running in London from the UKRP but obviously I will talk to the party and see their ideas and if they agree with me. I hope to also get more UKRP members mobile voting as this could be the reason we either succeed or fail to get the 12 members into congress. We would send every member in the party a link to the newspaper in the upcoming days to congress so they know who is running and also to keep them up to date.

I would also expect every player who is running for congress to really work hard for their place and message the people in their area and hopefully they will get a couple voters.

Remember even if you don't get into the HoC you can still put your ideas forward by posting them into the public discussions area.

We shall be aiming to get our MP's into here.

President Elections

For the CP elections I would hope to have a UKRP CP but obviously we as a party look for the best man for the job. If one of our members put themselves forward and we go for them then thats because he is the best man for the job. The potential CP will be expected to give us his manifesto before a certain time preferbly soon after the congress elections as this gives us the time to look at it and have a vote. Then if we support the candidate we can get started on the Mass Messaging straight away and show the players of the eUK why they should vote for our candidate.

Party Positions

Recruitment Leader - Basically the same as what we have at the minute. One person would be in charge and they would have a team. Obviously the amount of people in the team would be the Recruitment Leader's choice. The team would message the party when needed and would message the new players coming into the game offering them help and telling them a bit about our party.

Media Leader - The leader would find ways to put out the UKRP name and he would be expected to do an article per 3-4 days. The Media Leader of course can get help and I'm sure he would want help and Ideas. Maybe have different themed weeks and possibly give members who havn't got many subscribers a chance for them to post their article through the UKRP newspaper. It will get them known and it will really show that our party is all about it's members.

Congress Director - This person would be obviously in charge of congress. I need an experienced member for this as we need to do well and really show we are moving forward. This person will be in charge of getting all congress candidates ready for around the 17th-18th mark and telling them where to run and when to run. They would need to be communicating with the congress potentials and make sure nobody makes a mistake.

Wiki Leader - Recently our Wiki was updated by Thorrold. One person cannot be expected to do all this. We need our Wiki looking tip top shape and everytime the wiki needs changing then it needs changing on the day. Our Wiki page should be always up to date as if a new player saw our wiki and it wasn't then they're going to think we are un-organised when we're not.

Let's make this a month to remember and a month to remember for the successes we have and we will succeed

Thank You for reading and hopefully you vote for me on the 5th 😃
