Running for senate in 2 days

Day 1,310, 01:57 Published in Australia Australia by wazzatron

I am going to be running for senate in the next couple of days and i want to help Australia as best i can.

Here is how.

I intend to do everything in my power to help the public even if this means doing something i think is ridiculous.

I do intend to keep people updated with my thought's on laws and what i have voted.

For my 2 laws i intend to,

Decrease the VAT on weapon’s to 10% (from 15😵

Decrease the VAT on food to 12% (from 15😵

Decreasing the weapon's VAT take's priority

This is to encourage a drop in weapon's price's seen as we all need this already as in $100 is the average wage offer at the point of writing this article the Q5 weapons are worth $60.

This need's to be decreased as soon as possible.