Running for Office

Day 296, 19:07 Published in USA USA by denversbest02

Good afternoon to all of you who have taken time to read my articles. I wanted to let everyone know, especially those of you who are citizens in eDenver, that I am running for mayor of this great city.

I first want to thank kingnikolas for all he has done for this town and also congratulate him on his accomplishments in the game. With that said, I think it is time for someone to step up and challenge his position, and make this city more prosperous than it ever has been.

I have noticed there is a few weaknesses in our city and I hope to improve them. First, I want to increase the amount of help given to new eDenver citizens, whether it is guidance into how to navigate through the game, or to provide them with jobs. Next I want to establish a welfare system in Denver, helping those who need money and getting there wellness to 100% so they are more productive in there jobs. I also want to create an unemployment system which will give a pay of $1.00 per day to those who can not find a job so the have money to survive. And while they are in the unemployment system, I will be vigorously looking for a job so they can start to build upon their skills.

I want to also get the citizens of denver more involved in their party’s and get them as active as they want to be in this game. I want to get them higher wages, so they can give back to the city and so we can grow as a whole.
I remember starting this game and having no idea what to do. It was boring and frustrating. I remember not given much guidance when I needed it most. When I am mayor, I plan on changing all of this for the citizens of denver. I plan on giving them all of the help they need, showing them how to make this game fun. By getting more active in their parties, finding jobs, creating companies, whatever the need is I will make sure they are answered. I plan on introducing systems into our town, like the welfare system stated above. And with all of this I am sure that we will make this a better Denver for all to live in.