Running for My 8th Congress Term in the Southeast

Day 729, 10:40 Published in Ireland Switzerland by pdiddy


As many of you know I have returned to eIreland. I plan to run in the current elections and take back my Congress seat I left a couple months ago. I have kept up on current affairs while away, so here I am, ready to represent the Southeast and the country.

I have been a congressman for 9 terms altogether, 7 times representing the Southeast of eIreland. The other two times were in Switzerland. The roles I have held in this game are Minister of Health of Switzerland and Ireland, Congressman of Switzerland and Ireland, and also the Minister of Welfare of Switzerland. Visit my Wiki if you would like to see more about me.

My previous terms in the Dail prove I have always been an active congressman with a strong voice in the Dail. I have never and will never be afraid to speak my voice on behalf of the Southeast and the country. I am also a person who does not believe in dishonesty and I am against the mudslinging so many in this country are famous for.

Vote pdiddy in the Southeast!

As a former health minister I know what it takes to run an effective ministry and since leaving my position as MOH I can safely say the following ministers have done a good job. More visibility of the health program would be good, but I can’t bash the current health schemes too much since they were my brain children months ago.

I also believe that the MOH needs to have a gift distribution plan for war, where the minister would be able to quickly and effectively distribute gifts to registered IDF troops in action. This would require better communication in between the officers and enlisted men of the IDF. With this plan there would be a required minimum amount of gifts kept on hand at any given time. This is something I would help create and push into action.

eIreland is facing a grave, changing world. Countries have risen and countries have fallen. Let us pray that we will not be a country that falls. eIreland does not have the population to support defense systems, but if eIreland ever came under attack I would hope citizens of other nations would come to support us. In this case eIreland would possibly have a large enough population to support such defense systems. I have yet to make up my mind if the cost a defense system is worth it, but if elected to congress to serve eIreland once again I will work with my fellow congressman to make a final decision on this topic.

In case of an attack on Irish soil our troops must always be ready to respond. To respond effectively we must have a proper line of communication to distribute orders and supplies. We have yet to see our military have to respond in such a fashion. It might be worth our time in the future to practice in a future war game and perfect our communications.

Foreign Affairs
The current state of the New World sucks. War is everywhere; war is destroying all sorts of countries, from the smallest to the largest. I used to be a person who preached neutrality, but times change and so does a person’s view. In my belief eIreland needs to seriously check out the current alliances and possibly make plans to join one, but with the recent fall of Peace, I will need to look further into the alliances. I have been contacted by several people of multiple alliances asking for me to look into their alliances and help make a decision in the Dail.

Thank you eIreland, may you always be a strong nation of strong people.

Éirinn go brách

- pdiddy

My wiki:
Past roles:
Congressman of eIreland (7 times)
Minister of Health of eIreland
Minister of Welfare of eSwitzerland
Minister of Health of eSwitzerland
Congressman of eSwitzerland (2 times)