Running for Congress

Day 667, 16:16 Published in USA USA by Futch

This is to officially announce my intentions to run for Congressional Office. First time, first article. Aww, isn't so special?

Anyways, I am running as a Lib and I am running in Alabama. My home state is currently unavailable (damn you Columbia!) *shaking fist* I have been playing since the beginning of July and, while having had been a mostly silent player, I have been following the military and political discussions for awhile now.

I would like to say I'll be running on lowering taxes, increasing wages, etc etc but lets be realistic. Congress is limited in its functions due to the war situation and most of it is involved with money distribution and approving/disapproving MPP/Peace Treaties. I am aware that other conversations go on in the private forums but, from the sounds of things, these conversations/debates have basically ran their course.

However, I am interested and will push to help make the military fully self-sufficent. It appears, from what I've been gathering, that this is a process that is already underway and will support its continuation.

If elected, I will continue to publish and will put out news articles about what can be shared.

Thanks and enjoy the upcoming elections!