Running for Congress

Day 515, 13:52 Published in Singapore USA by Relorian

Ok so here goes my second attempt in my short eLife to run for congress.

The first time I ran, it was in the eUSA and it was as a stranger in Montana.
This time I am going to run in eSingapore, surrounded by friends and new faces alike and with a better understanding of just what a country needs to do to keep itself on course.

So here are some issues I feel strongly about.

1. MPP with Switzerland

We've got a good thing going with the Swiss. They are a very powerful yet small force of highly trained citizen soldiers. Working with them to secure another MPP would be excellent. Yes, I know its already in the voting stage but we will have to renew it in another 30 days and it would fall under my term if elected to Congress.

2. Taxes
Our current level of taxes are ok but we could do well to improve our taxes on imports. We currently have enough food companies and housing companies to fulfill our needs and as such, congress is raising the taxes. If Elected, I would continue to evaluate and if needed, raise or lower the taxes.

3. Singapore Defense Force.
We've got a good thing going here. With alot of people joining the country and a military being extremely well lead and orginized, we could do well to set up (If not already set up) state run Weapons and Travel companies and stock pile Arms and Tickets to use in training (RW's) or Real Wars if called upon with out hampering the cashflow of our citizens too harshly.

My over all goals for my term in congress, if elected, would be to keep the government honest (Which it is currently) and to continue the work of previous congressmen/women towards bettering our country. I will also keep in mind that this is just a game and to keep a level of fun involved in all decisions.
