Running for congress

Day 514, 17:18 Published in USA USA by ther3alsyler

Before I tell you what I stand for, I
would like to tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Ther3alsyler, and
I’m an easy to get along with guy so if you have any questions, let me know,
they don’t even have to be about eRepublik. I’ve been playing eRepublik for about
5 months. I’m a member of the Citizen Mentorship Program, where I am a Mentor. We help new players get used to the game and
answer any questions about the game they need to know. I’m a member of the
Federalist Party and a proud eUSA citizen. I have always been facinated with Oklahomas rich history and that is why I am seeking the Congressional seat here. I have been active on the eUS
forums, and am extremely active on the Federalist forums. I will be an active
Congressman, active in all matters. If elected Congressman, I want your input
on issues, because I am elected to represent you, the Oklahoma citizens, and will do so to
the best of my ability. To my best understanding, your current congressman is
not very active I have not seen him on the eUS forums therefore you are not
being represented to the level in which the great state of Oklahoma should be.

America is moving along a slow but boisterous pace, with
the recent corruption, America has had to raise taxes to recover but America is
being slowed down by Congress and other political figures, they just can’t get
agree on anything, no one is willing to compromise and give the other side of
the political pole a hand saying “That could work.” Most of them want what is
best for them, or what is going to make them the most money, and yes, most of
them own companies. There are multiple ways to help eAmerica, and I believe my
ways will work, and that many political figures will agree with me. Bipartisanship is
the single most important way to get things done, plain and simple. Bipartisanship works not for congress agreeing with you but it also please the people. If no one agrees with you, you won’t get anything done. I plan on working with multiple congressman from a variety of parties on plans that help you the people not the fat cats

Taxes: The new budget system looks great and is going to be great for America in the long run. I especially like how it gives funding for all the military branches including the National Guard. I disagree with what PANEC has done because I believe we should lower income taxes, putting more money in your ePockets, and
if we have to raise taxes we need to raise the VAT. The thing is, taxes are
important in this game, without them we can’t have a strong military or
alliances all these things are provided from your tax dollars for your

Transparency: Transparency is one of my greatest concerns,
which is why I will publish my voting record every week, and that is a promise
in which I will keep. I will also be working side by side with the citizens of
Iowa to make decisions affecting the citizens.

If you have any questions to ask either before or after
the election let me know I will respond the quickest that I can. Whether you
vote for me, Ther3alsyler, or not, I encourage you to vote. Thank you for your
time, I appreciate it, please vote for me on the 25th.