Running for Congress

Day 1,951, 12:48 Published in South Africa Israel by Chaim Dov

Well Ive decided to run for congress...I hardly see the point but I remember the following words, "If you want to change this party, lead it. If you want to change the country, lead it." I don`t want to change or lead a political party but I want to change this country. What can I do a mere person in congress do? That`s why I want to be elected, Im not going to lie and say I have a platform of ideas that I most likely won`t do once Im elected.

I believe we must continue the path as usually, which is fighting back the enemy to regain control over eSouth African territory. That is my only goal if elected to congress, we must continue to fight. The domestic problems that we face are not important to trump the war effort, parties running on a platform of domestic issues are daft.

And while I know I might have no chance of successfully winning a seat, I do know that at-least I tried. At-least I tried to shake up the old dusty career politicians in this country who I consider out of touch with the common citizen. Allow fresh blood into congress and offer new ideas that will surely benefit all eSouth Africans. That is why I am running, either vote for me tomorrow or don`t. It s your choice but I strongly believe we need new faces not just the old to help run this country effectively.