Running for Congress

Day 1,129, 14:08 Published in USA USA by Jamarcus

Theme Music:

Hello America,

I'm Jamarcus, and I'm running for Congress in the state of New Hampshire as a Libertarian.

Speaker of the eIsraeli Congress
MoFA of eIsrael
deputy MoFA of eIsrael
eNew Zealand MoFA to EDEN
eIsraeli Secretary of Embassies
Congressman x7

I cordially invite you, America, to spend the holidays and celebrate the new year at my humble New Hampshire cottage.

Now, I know it isn't much, but it's the best I can do on my budget. Times are hard with these income taxes.

The Guestrooms are a little cramped, but I think they are still slightly better than sleeping under a freeway underpass.

There are 8 1/2 Bathrooms, or atleast that's how many I've used so far. Tell me if you find more. I think these bathrooms are a little cleaner than the ones in the Downtown McDonalds, and you also won't find any homless people. Just Jude Connors occasionally singing "Stand By Me".

My full-time cooking staff will prepare only the finest food for all my guests. Unfortunetly, unlike the local drive-thru, they actually take the time to cook it only "after" you order. Bummer.

The swimming pool is more like a pond, but it fits.

I would just like to thank Kazeal and Pheno Sony for being the greatest interior designers/pool boys in the world. I also would like to thank CRoy for putting the down payment on this little cottage of mine. And I can't forget about my loyal staff of immigrant and zombie workers. Feel free to take a trip to New Hampshire and vote for me.

