Running for Congress in Rhode Island

Day 1,520, 15:38 Published in USA Spain by Ntimis

My fellow Americans,
peace be with you.

We are here again, one more time, friends, who have fought side by side in the cause of liberty. We are here to celebrate freedom and the three most beautiful words: We the People.
It's time to elect real leaders. It's time to remember the words of Lincoln "a government of the people, by the people, for the people".

Some claim to fear revenge, revenge against our enemies. For them, the American way of life is the best revenge. The American way of life is not negotiable.

Both Terra and Eden, Teden, which have been tied together by shared interests, have stood alongside in their struggle for freedom. The American troops invaded Europe, liberated France and Germany, our men and women in uniform fought hard and kicked some asses. As of the refugees we welcomed them, housed them, fed them.

And now despite the enemy withdrawal, peace has not returned. It's time to work on being proud of not being invaded again because the conflict is not over.

We are blessed my brothers. We are blessed because we can choose our own system, our own government in fair elections. The time is right for miracles. We must join together to find solutions for our problems and we will. We must join together to help our allies and we will. We must join together to make America a land of economic power and we will.

In this spirit of cooperation and partnership I come before you today. This is our agenda: development, security and international cooperation.
Your military assistance has helped maintain a relative balance and stability in Europe.
And now, as the election nears, I am asking once again for your assistance.
Vote for me in Rhode Island!
God bless America!