Run for President

Day 589, 04:14 Published in India India by Pheenic

Hello eIndia, and first off I have to say that we are progressing very fast. Four regions, a Q5 hospital, and close to 600 citizens, wow, we've come a long way from when we first won back Orissa. But I have great ideas to make this country even better, which brings me to the reason I wrote this article.

Presidential Run

I am announcing my campaign to become the president of eIndia. How am I qualified? Well, I have been here in eIndia for close to two months. I know how the people think and what they want, and I know how the government runs itself. I am a congressman here in eIndia, and was a congressman the last term I know how other countries run, so I can bring all these ideas together to make a great country.


The first think I will do if elected is employ a ministry, or cabinet. I will employ the following:

Vice President-This person will take charge of the country if I am not around. He will also be in charge of different projects, like getting back regions and planned projects by the government

Ambassador-This person will go to other countries to negotiate with them if necessary, or to improve the relationship between eIndia and them.

Chief of Defense-This person will take charge if the country is attacked. He will organize the army, and will be in charge of army drills.

Chief Economist-This person will be in charge of tax changes and will oversee the general economy and will present ideas on how to make eIndia more prosperous.

Those four positions are who I plan to employ if elected. I know that it is not much, but I think that having too big a cabinet will interfere with plans. If I need to add a position, I will, but this is what I have planned to employ.

Relationships with other countries-I plan to make more allies for eIndia. Currently, we don't have enough allies, so we are at a disadvantage. We should be signing alliances with other neutral countries. Being neutral does not mean that we have to isolate ourselves from everyone else. We should be improving our relationships with other countries more, and I plan to implement this.

Army-I think Ambrose Didymus's plan to divide the army into platoons is a great idea. It will make communication in the army much easier. I will discuss with congress about implementing this if I am elected, so we'll see what happens.

I hope that I have convinced you to vote for me in the upcoming election. I will try my best to make eIndia a very prosperous, powerful nation. If you elect me, you won't regret it. Thank you and I hope that you'll vote for me.