Rule Britannia

Day 956, 13:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lee David Wood

Well, this is an interesting turn of events isn't it?

A few days ago, the ePolish media pumped out an article gloating that they had taken Scotland (a screenshot was included) and how they loved this "training war"...well it seems to be that the shoe is on the other foot now doesn't it?

In a successful campaign led by our great army, and the armies of our allies we have almost vanquished the demonic ePolish from our lands, liberating the citizens of this great nation once more from enemy hands.

It goes to show, that when the s**t hits the fan, we eBritish know exactly what to-do in a crisis. We owe it to our brave men & women who fought long and hard to unite this country once again, the fate of a nation lay in their hands, and yet again we have triumphed over our mortal enemies.

Let this be a message to all those who wish for our demise, the eUK shall outlive all of you, we may not look mighty, but we have the bravest and most loyal people living across our great lands of splendor. And while you may win the battles of tomorrow, we shall always win the war.

Oh, and message to the Swedes, you're gonna' be facing this very soon...

Long live Prime Minister Woldy,
long live the King,
and long live the eUnited Kingdom.