Rule Britannia! A Declaration of "Greatness" Once More.

Day 512, 05:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Vecado

For the vast majority of those who are unaccustomed to me, let me introduce myself. I am Vecado, and as the only candidate entered for the leadership contest for Britain's Advancement Party, I will be its next Party President.

Decline of a Nation

I may be new to the political scene, but I am well-educated in it, having been a citizen of the new World for some months now, during which time I have quietly sat and carefully watched eUK develop, and slowly decline. As a nation, we used to have a special spark, other countries used to look to us for guidance, and our political system was a model for many. Recently, we have somewhat lost this respect and out standing in the world has declined. Our army is weak (although well-managed) and political debate is somewhat non-existant.

This is the start of something new, something different, something fresh

This is where I would like to present to you, Britain's Advancement Party. Previously run by Leo Ruby, I agree with his fundamental beliefs on simply advancing Britiain - but I believe this needs to be done from another angle - a right-wing one. Now in real life, I myself would shy away from the right wing, but in a game like this, ideologies are different. And so, below are my draft Statement of Beliefs for the new party. Granted, they are somewhat vague, and details will need to be worked out. Which is why I invite you, members of the British public to come and join me, and help make this country the Great power it used to be!

Britain’s Advancement Party

Draft Statement of Beliefs

1. The most valuable members of society are those that contribute to their country.

2. We must expand our military and our borders, the military should maintain overseas bases in order to build up strength, and we must maintain strong alliances.

3. We should be led forward with a strong, democratically elected leader, accountable to the electorate and not to any other body.

4. Spending on wasteful projects must be stopped, eg. Congressional budgets and the NHS. In line with point 1, only those who actively contribute should be qualified for assistance.

5. Reduction in taxes – All food taxes should be significantly reduced, all VAT should be significantly reduced, Import taxes on weapons should be reduced in times of conflict, and income tax should not exceed 10%.

6. Minimum wage must be kept at 1GBP, any attempt to raise it would harm hundreds of businesses, and no 0 Skill Job offers would be offered.

7. We must build up our defences – London must have a defence system for example.

8. Our political system is too complicated for many. We must codify existing, similar laws, and repeal those that are either no longer applicable or largely ignored.


I would love to share this new journey with as many as possible. Please comment below, critical or supportive, I relish your opinions, or PM me if you wish to discuss something privately.

Yours faithfully,