Day 1,686, 05:52 Published in Albania Albania by Napoleon 54

Pershendetje Vellezer dhe Motra

Ndoshta ky eshte artikulli i fundit qe po shkruaj ne kete loje. Kam vendosur te terhiqem nga loja ose mbase thjesht te kthehem ne nje 2-clicker sa per te pare si ecin ngjarjet.

Kjo loje me ka dhene emocione te forta mua edhe besoj shume prej jush,ndaj eshte e veshtire te ndahesh,ama si cdo gje e bukur edhe kjo ka nje fund.

Nuk dua te permemnd se sa pafundsisht kohe kam harxhuar per kete loje edhe se me sa shume mundim jam munduar se bbashku me ju per eShqiperine edhe flamurin tone. Gjithsesi cdokush qe me njeh ka nje fare respekti per mua edhe kjo me ben te ndihem mire.

jam shume i emocionuar edhe nuk di c'te them. Por dua tju kujtoj vellezer JU LUTEM qendroni te bashkuar,te pakten ne nje loje. Mos mendoni per Personin,mendoni per Shqiperine edhe nderimin e flamurit edhe pse eshte thjesht nje loje. Te pakten une kshu kam bere gjithmone,vendosni Shqiperine perpara se gjithash.

Shpresoj shume qe eShqiperia te ece me shume se sa kur kam qene une,sepse ne jemi zhvillu mjaftueshem per tu bere fuqi,kushti eshte te jemi te bashkuar.

Kam bere shume shume shume miq ne kete loje e nuk mund ti permend te gjithe,qe keshtu kush e quan veten mikun tim atehere e falenderoj per gjithcka edhe per cdo fjale apo keshille qe me ka dhene.

Nese doni ndonje dicka prej meje,mund te me shkruani me shkruani ne pm ne loje,e kur te kem kohe e te hap lojen do ju pergjigjem.





P.S nuk kisha kohe ta perktheja ne anglisht kete artikull. Ju lutem kush ka mundesi ta perktheje ee te ma dergoje me PM qe ta publikoje kur te kem kohe,Ju lutem.

Faleminderit per Gjithcka te gjitheve 🙂

English translated by AstridaVV cause lack of time

Greetings Brothers and Sisters

Maybe this is the last article that I am writing in this game. I have decided to withdraw or at least come back once in a while but just to see how things are going.

This game gave me strong emotions and I think it did the same for all of you, so it is hard to give up, like anything that is beautiful, this has come to an end too.

I don't even want to start talking for how much time I have spent in this game, with all of you for eAlbania and our flag. Anyhow, everyone that knows me a bit has respect for me and that makes me feel good.

I am very excited and don't know what to say, But I want to remind you my brothers, PLEASE stay together, at least in the game. Don't think about the individual, think about Albania and our flag, even though its just a game. At least that is what I always did, but Albania before everything else.

I hope that eAlbania is going to go better than during my play here, because we have built up enough to become a power, the only condition is, to stay together.

I have made many friends in this game and I can't mention them all, so whoever calls themselves a friend of mine, I thank them for everything, and for every word or advice that they had given me.

If you need anything from me, you can send me a message in the game, and when I have time to go online, I'll open it and reply.

Long Live Albania


