Royal Navy Strike Sunday (Day 1,965)

Day 1,965, 15:31 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo112

Hello Sailors and people of the eUK!!!

The Royal Navy held its weekly Sunday Strike on #royalnavy and this one had added meaning as it was the first one under Admiral Sambo's reign (of terror).

I'd just like to give a quick thank you again too Alexandre Abrantes for supplying the strike today and recording now everyone's top efforts.

So here is what the great boys and girls of the Royal Navy produced during our strike, well done too all and lets keep it up and keep getting bigger and better:

Alexandre Abrantes - 172,382
Jorael - 4,244,667
Physo Starmik - 375,536
Neil Lewis - 1,121,319
Terry Stricter - 260,366
Bitchwilly - 5,630,912
Massacar - 309,586
Posidon303 - 436,992
Sambo112 - 324,182
Lord of the Light - 5,762,270
Tinman1 - 127,920
Igor Pankry - 407,797
The Myth The Legend - 159,315

Total fighters: 13 (around 11% of MU)
Total damage: 19.333.244
Average Damage: 1.487.172

The turnout wasn't the best but those that did attend performed well and I am proud of the direction the Royal Navy is taking.

The Royal Navy is going through an exciting period and to help keep so all connected and active we have set up an area on the eUK forums for ALL Royal Navy sailors, sign-up today to join in the fun and games.

New Royal Navy Forum Sign-Up:

A big thank you too Dnouser for all the work he put in too get this up and running.

In other news the Royal Navy Commanders (Sambo112, Mick Cain and Lady Macbeth) have been receiving lots of exciting ideas which we will soon be looking too set up in the Royal Navy giving sailors exciting opperunities to have more goals in their MU than just the daily order and make the Royal Navy bigger, more exciting and more active than ever.

Thank you for reading, please vote, sub, leave a comment and SHOUT!!!

Admiral Sambo

go hard or go home