Royal Navy

Day 740, 18:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by TimmyTango

Join the Military today and see what its like to be part of something big!

Travel the eWorld!

Fight your homelands enemy!

Make friends!

And train up to be the best!

Do you think you have what it takes? Are you active? A Loyal Citizen? If you are Level 5 or above and you answered yes to both of those question's you could sign up today and be part of the Royal Navy in just under a week!

Also! If you are IRC and Forum Active.. You get the option of being part of the Royal Marines!

So. What are you waiting for! Head over to the Military Hub ! And hit the Apply button.

See you on base soldier!

Edit By the way what do you all think of the picture I created 😛

Royal Marine
Pvt. Burton Hotaling