Royal Feudalist Party- Platform Part I: Domestic Policy

Day 456, 21:55 Published in Canada Canada by Dominik

This part of the platform of the Royal Feudalist Party will focus on Domestic Affairs. It is part 1 of 3 of our platform which will include Society, Economy and Military.

Part A: Making eRepublik more Fun

The way I see it, there are is a dilemma which we have in the eRepublik system- with the recent baby-boom, we'll find a lot of boomers with nothing to do. RFP wants to change this. We are primarily a role-playing party, that is what eRepublik is all about. We are completely aware that feudalism not only failed but is also impossible to accomplish in eRepublik. We are a party where people of all political backgrounds can join together to help make Canada better. If I am elected president, I will create a number of programs to enhance the community:

National Lottery
An RFP administration will create an official eCanadian government lottery. This is not to say we will not be supporting the many private ones in existence, but the government lottery will help organise these and make sure there is always an available lottery for eCanadians to play. Furthermore, we are looking into establishing a full casino- with bets on eRepublik events and other hazardous games.

This is not to offend or insult anybody or to make anybody join a religion, but to add yet another realistic aspect to eRepublik. We have set up the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Halve is working on his own version of Freemasonry. Any eCanadian can start a religion and will get recognised as an official religion after having a certain number of followers. This will bring another aspect to the game, and make it more enjoyable. A full plan for this will come at a later time.

Ministry of Culture
The RFP will set up a sub-ministry of the Domestic Affairs ministry (see below for list of cabinet positions) dedicated to the development of entertainment in Canada. Things such as the lottery will also fall under this ministry. The development of culture is very important to creating an eRepublik-style utopia in Canada where the key is to have even the working class able to be part of the community and climb up the social ladder.

Media and Literature
One of the primary goals for Culture in Canada is the media, as this is truly the only built-in eRepublik feature that can be used for entertainment. Therefore, the government would be happy to give arts and journalism grants for aspiring media moguls. There is already recognition in the forms of programs like the Shameless Plug Awards for Best Article and the OG Literary Award. An RFP government will be happy to sponsor these and Dominik has already given a 5 GOLD grant to Plugson in the hope that it will raise the quality of Canada's media.

The University
John Wilkmot's university will continue to be expanded upon. People will be able to become certain professions after they graduate. We will create courses to train people in the hopes of them becoming government ministers, Generals etc. Eventually, there will be people qualified for certain positions and people not- hopefully this will create competition for certain jobs in the government and a larger variation of people holding positions. The University will also train Doctors (to help with Health Care and gift distribution), Lawyers (to defend and prosecute in the Civic court once Prince Dominik writes up a Criminal Code), and Military Officers (something that has already been implemented).

Part B: Social Services

As I have mentioned above, I support the University as a means for enhancing our community. The government will also attempt to limit the cost of the University to the average student. The government itself will automatically pay for the education of anybody willing to sign up for the CAF. It will also give loans out to any student who asks for one. Government ministers and congressmen will also receive a free education at the University. I also pledge, personally, to give at least 50% of my income to the soon-to-be Canadian Scholarship Organisation which will give a scholarship to any Canadian student who applies for one.

Health Care
After the implementation of a Health Care plan put in place by Emilio Sanchez- the government will make sure this program is running at maximum efficiency and with good management. There is also a plan for veterans of the CAF to receive free health care as well as guaranteed well-paying jobs with crown corporations or registered Canadian companies.

A RFP government will set up multiple private-funded charities for certain causes. I have already set up CAF-CO, the charity for the Canadian Armed Forces which is successfully distributing weapons to our men and women. Other charities will include the Canadian Scholarship Organisation to help students with University fees, and the Canada Poverty Fund, to help with gifts and food for the less fortunate. Government funds will not be used for these charities, but there are a number of charitable Canadians in the government that will gladly donate.

Part C: Organisation and Accountability

Government Structure
There will be a slight change in governmental structure under an RFP government. The main objective is to decentralise power from the government. The main way this will be done is to organise the country in a more regional manner. Each region of Canada will be under the control of a Governor or "Lord" who can make important decisions in Canada. The 13 Lords will form the National Council of Canada which will be a congress based group to make important decisions regarding Canada. The power of the Lords is to take power away from the President and currently sheep-like congress (for the large part)- and give it to leaders handpicked by the King, Prime Minister, and Deputy PM and known to be reliable and responsible politicians. Each Lord can appoint his/her own regional government which will work without any interference from the federal government. The powers and responsibilities of the lords will include gathering data about the population, social service management for each of their own regions, military recruitment, activity and unemployment.

I am a strong believer that citizens should be aware of where their tax money is going. Therefore, records will be kept of government spending and regularly published. Each provincial Lord may also ask for a budget from government money but this will require the approval of the Council as a whole and a detailed write-up of all spending. Any government officials abusing government funds will be barred from ever holding public office in Canada again, and possibly banished from the country as well.

Going in line with the above part about accountability, I am a believer that a government functions best when it is tightly organised with a set hierarchy exists. Under an RFP government, each government program will be clearly put under a certain ministry/sub-ministry and alist of active programs will be kept in a new National Library along with certain things like recognised Canadian companies, religions, and cooperative political parties on the Canadian scene.

Part 😨 Cabinet

The organisation of a federal cabinet will still exist in the moderately decentralised form of government the RFP will implement. The official cabinet appointed by the Prime Minister with consultation from the King and Vice-president will be limited in size. It will include the following ministries:

Ministry of Defense
Ministry of Domestic Policy
Ministry of Treasury

There will be a number of sub-ministries appointed by each Minister to his/her liking. This is to further decentralise power from the current system where the Prime Minister is in control of the entire cabinet. In all likelihood the defense ministry will involve a sub-ministry in charge of Foreign Affairs; the Minister of Domestic Policy will include the duties of the current communication, immigration and social services. Treasury will entail the current Ministry of Finance as well as the management of Canadian Industry."

Canadians, I urge you to join the Royal Feudalist Party. Not because I want to have power or the most people in my party, but because it is a party that will treat each person as an individual. You don't have to shout to get noticed. You don't have to be a high ranking or experienced player to join. You don't have to follow any political ideology to join. If you join, you will get greeted with open arms, you will receive your own title and position within the party. No longer will you be forced to follow conventionalist dogma- but be your own person. If you want change, if you want the game to be more interesting, I urge you to join the Royal Feudalist Party. Be in the company of legendary veterans and high-standing government officials such as Tom Hagen, John Wilkmot, Alexander Rearden, Phineas Gage, Shugo and more...