Romanian military might and morale failing in the face of overwhelming odds!

Day 543, 12:05 Published in Canada Canada by Dean22

Today, Romania lost another major region in the war against PEACE. With this region and a few other regions gone recently in the war the iron of Atlantis is dwindling.

Romanian morale is so low in the war that the Minister of Defense of Romania is requesting the president to surrender the country over to PEACE through the surrender system.

What does this mean exactly for Canada?

The main country that made most of the power of Atlantis and kept it a super power is failing.

The fight may soon arrive at the door step of Romania and if it fails in homeland defense the military might and power that we have relied on for so long will be gone either by terms of defeat or surrender.

If we as Atlantis members allow this to happen the alliance will mostly be done. Canada opened a war against France several months ago under the advice of myself and John Wilkmot to the prime minister at the time Tom Hagen.

We had gained two regions and earned respect among our allies but nearly bankrupt the small small treasury that we had due to poor Canadian Progressive Front/Norsefire administrations of the past.

Now under the administration of Bruck and parties such as CEP this war has been kept open for a long time for practice wars or foreign support from Canada to distract PEACE from it's major assaults.

We still haven't declared peace on this military front and now this war that we have left open for so long can bite us in the rear.

What you say? We have MPPs? We do not have the military might to counter 6 PEACE countries when Romania is gone and if it is ever gone even with USA.

The entire Canadian country is at risk and believe me when I say we are at risk especially due to our rich supply of resources and companies. Taking Canada would be a victory to PEACE economically and metaphysically.

What can we do about this?

Well there are things we CAN do both as Canadians, Atlantis members and members of the game.

1) If you haven't already the least you could do as a Canadian or a member of this game is to join the Canadian army or the reserves. Being in this organization can help defend our country and our alliance's interests globally. Join if you want to be a productive member of your country and your society. You aren't doing much if you just log on every day to work and train. Join the Canadian army and become an active member of eCanada as well in the forums and the military.

2) Atlantis: We need to stop trying to fight fire with water.

We need to stop saving the world by quenching the flames of PEACE that cause destruction and chaos.

We need to be destruction. We need to be chaos. And we need to be fire.

It's time for us to fight fire with fire.

USA needs to open a land war with PEACE even if it means taking over smaller countries which, freedoms we are fighting to protect world wide.

Atlantis has freed dozens of countries but if one or two countries can be sacrificed to save dozens more then we need to take the action to do so.

What I am talking about here is this:

USA needs to take whatever precautions necessary without harming it's allies to open a new front of a land war with PEACE while avoiding the homelands of PEACE countries.

3) Learn more about the game.

Learn how to fight properly. Learn how to eat and work and train properly and most importantly learn how to develop the economy of your country properly by opening a business that is successful by learning how to do it before opening one.

You can do this by talking to me on IRC, talking to other successful business owners or by enrolling in the Canadian University.

Become a better member of this game and of Canada.

I wish you all good luck for the upcoming wars.

I will be there to help with all my finances when the time arises for Canada's defense and safety.